Paddler Safety Code
Safety of our members and of others is paramount. Accordingly, the club has developed the Wey Paddler Safety Code to clearly articulate the restrictions that are be placed on members paddling in different conditions and at different times of the day. Please note that this has been updated as of Jan 2023.
It is important to note that every member must make their own dynamic assessment before each paddle considering elements such as the conditions, buoyancy requirements, planned route, paddling competency, safety equipment and appropriate clothing. When necessary consult someone else. Every individual will be paddling at their own risk and responsible for themselves.
Though the Wey Navigation is normally a calm and safe waterway, conditions can change rapidly and the Guildford area is subject to flooding.
When the river is in flood the National Trust indicates that the navigation is closed by placing a RED BOARD in the frame on the Clubhouse wall. The RED BOARD is controlled by the National Trust and no Club member may remove it or ignore it. Under most conditions this indicates that no members are allowed to paddle.
There are times when the river is in flood, but conditions are not bad enough to pose an unacceptable level of risk to experienced paddlers. A river flow gauge is situated in the rear hallway, if flow is greater than 25 m/s, there must be NO PADDLING. All under 18’s must wear a PFD if the flow meter is in Amber (flow 15m/s to 25m/s) and it is recommended that all members older than 18 also wear a PFD.
If the system is abused the Club may lose this concession from the National Trust and, if we damage a boat whilst paddling in flood conditions, it is unlikely the Club insurance company will pay.